
Bart plan your trip
Bart plan your trip

You just need to organise your own support (any support by friends is allowed and promoted). There are no posts, no organization phone numbers and no medical team. The number of participants is restricted to 15 (to avoid requiring permissions etc.) and the only things organized are basically the gpx-file and the trackers. The course is tough: It mostly avoids the beach and leads you via tiny paths, sand dunes and dune bushes to the most beautiful places of the Dutch coast. It runs from Hoek van Holland to Den Helder in the beginning of January. It’s an obscure low profile winterrace, organized by Maarten Schön and Marek Vis. I had been looking at running the Duinhopper. I also should get some Ultras nailed, to be ready for the Val d’Aran in July. So I was quite looking forward to doing a nice race again. The only significant achievement was the FKT on the Scholtenpad in April with Maarten van Halderen. It was a close call, as we passed the border just minutes before Belgium closed the border for Dutch visitors from the provinces North and South Holland. The only other race that I ran last year was the Great Escape in Belgium in September. Main goal for the year was the Val d’Aran ( ), start of July, but that was also postponed by a year. Rotterdam Marathon in april: postponed to October and later to October 2021. The SallandTrail (80km) on March 9th was the first to be postponed, as a few days in advance it was announced that all events of over 30 people were prohibited. In February I ran podium on the Petzl NightTrail, a 30km race close by and good fun as a start of my season, but then COVID kicked in. And there is only one way of achieving a real triumph and that is by facing ridicule with serenity.” Ģ020 was the year of cancelled and/of postponed races. There is only one way of hitting the nail on the head and that is by hammering on the shoe a hundred times. “But it was absurd, you say? And who knows what is absurd and what is not? And even if it were! Only he who attempts the absurd is capable of achieving the impossible.

bart plan your trip bart plan your trip

( Original location of the racereport from Bart Wijnands) Legends Trail – trainen voor een 250k wedstrijd in de winterse Ardennen.

bart plan your trip bart plan your trip

250K non-stop, Legends Trail 2016, Pain is my Partner.Voeten heel houden tijdens lange (natte) ultra’s.Teken beet… hier veel info op een rijtje.Ultrarunning, rhabdomyolysis and NSAIDs.Data van Suunto Movescount naar Garmin Connect overzetten.

Bart plan your trip